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We’re delighted to introduce our newest speakers who are doing fantastic work by speaking out against gendered violence, and giving thoughtful talks about respectful relationships and gender equality.


Tarang Chawla (VIC & Online) is a writer, speaker and vocal advocate for gender equality, human rights and mental health. His campaign, Not One More Niki, fights to end violence against women following the murder of his sister. Tarang runs sessions on consent and healthy, respectful relationships.


David Leser (NSW & Online) is the author of Women, Men and the Whole Damn Thing, one of the most spoken-about books of the #MeToo era. David runs sessions in which he speaks about masculinity, the patriarchy and its effects on both women and men, the history of the #MeToo movement, and where the future may take us.


Get in touch about booking these excellent speakers, either by calling (03) 9824 0177, or emailing

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