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Brian Falkner, a popular science fiction author from New Zealand, has recently moved to Australia.

8-12 August & 29 Aug-2 Sep will see Brian available for bookings with Melbourne schools.

Brian’s stint on Inside A Dog has been pretty interesting so far. In the last few posts he has already covered issues regarding eReaders, and the ability of science fiction to predict (and arguably shape) the future.

Inside A Dog is a fantastic way to get to know authors, and what makes them tick. Another of our new authors, Daniel Ducrou, occupied the Inside A Dog residency before Brian took the reigns. Daniel covered some pretty interesting topics — questioning the role and worth of blogging as a writing form, and discussing his love of music and music video clips. (One of the staff at Booked Out was pretty excited to see a link to Paul Simon’s You Can Call Me Al … thanks Dan!).

You can browse the list of previous authors to have blogged for Inside A Dog here … and you will find a lot of authors represented by Booked Out. They include Randa Abdel-Fattah, Michael Gerard-Bauer, JC Burke, Nick Earls, Jane Godwin, Lia Hills, Simmone Howell, William Kostakis, Lili Wilkinson, Doug MacLeod (whose residency turned into a book!), John Marsden, Andrew McDonald, Meme McDonald, James Moloney, Kirsty Murray, Tim Pegler, Penni Russon, Michael Pryor, Richard Newsome, and Trudy White. Phew!

It’s also nice to note that Jack Heath blogged for Inside A Dog, and rumour has it he will be taking Melbourne bookings through Booked Out this year … check back soon for more info.

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