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Ren Alessandra

Author, Entertainer, Poet, Storyteller

Ren is a national award-winning spoken word artist and English teacher who merges her love of both arts into active, engaging and empowering writing workshops and performances.

See more at Ren’s website here.

Where were you born?

Right here, in the heart of Melbourne.

What other jobs have you had?

I have worked in schools for the past six years both here and overseas. My career as an English Teacher started as a private tutor straight after high school. I went on to work as a Teacher’s Assistant in London then returned to work as a Librarian’s Assistant while studying my Masters of Teaching. Now, I’m a Primary Teacher and facilitate workshops with council programs and collectives as a spoken word artist and creative educator.

What themes are recurring in your work?

I write and speak extensively about my experience as a young woman on her journey to wholeness. The themes that come up in my work are women’s rights, self acceptance, self love and love in all its colours. I deeply celebrate womanhood while also working to empower writers of all stages to show up for themselves. Outside of the woman’s narrative, my work revolves around the power of story, the power of our truth and the unifying power of the spoken word stage.

What have been the highlights of your career?

Without a doubt, winning the 2020 Australian Poetry Slam Championship and being able to perform at Adelaide Writer’s Festival with my name on the bill. As an emerging artist, these accolades do not go unappreciated and speaks to the power of showing up for yourself and your art.

Another major highlight is launching Wordcraft, where I work with writers to overcome their blocks and expand. I host a monthly spoken word event and workshops too.

Where have your works been published?

I have been published in the 2020 Poetry D’Amour Anthology, the Pocketry Almanac and Hyades Online Journal. I’ve had two chapbooks self published and am currently working on my third.

I’m also judging the 2022 Victorian Premier’s Literary Award for Poetry this year and am currently working on my debut novel.

What are you passionate about?

I’m truly passionate about demystifying the stigma around poetry and encouraging young people to stand at the mic and speak their truth. I deeply believe in the power of poetry in its ability to educate and illuminate the nuances of the human condition.

As an English teacher and woman, seeing the power poetry has from this intersection really excites me for the future of spoken word and what is has to offer our young people.

Haven’t I seen you before?

If you’re in the spoken word world, you may have! You might have heard me interviewed on ABC or in the Fitzroy Writer’s Festival or the Accidental Writer. Or… even on stage! If not, you should come along sometime, you will not be disappointed.

Anything else you’d like to share with us?

If anything, I’m a passionate young educator who is in the emerging stage of her career as both teacher and writer. Blending my love of poetry and teaching is the exact hybrid I’ve been working towards for years now. There’s nothing I love more than working with young people to give them an opportunity to show themselves how powerful they are when they speak up.


Ren is such an honest and generous presenter that our students got much more out of the session than just the chance to write with a professional wordsmith. Ren shared her own writing journey and helped the students to appreciate the power of words to connect with others. She also helped them unpack their own fears when it came to writing and sharing their work. Some of our Year 8 students may have started out dubious about their abilities, but Ren’s skills as a teacher and passion as a writer meant that even our more cautious students were caught up in the activities.

—C. Hainstock, Fintona Girls' School, 2022

I learnt that being open and expressing myself can create good things.

—Jess, Year 9

While working with you I learned that poetry is a lot easier than I imagined and that it doesn’t have to be structured so strictly.

—Jason, Year 9

My voice is relevant. People want to hear what I have to share. My creative sharing is not burdensome.

—Georgie, Year 10

You are a very approachable person and you make everyone feel like they are in a space in which they can express themselves freely with no judgment from others.

—Damon, Year 9

You helped make it easier for me to not only start the poem, but also to continue it when I got stuck. Your expertise is what allowed us to succeed the way we did.

—Max, Year 9

Ren is the full package. She sees every detail through. She is committed to the process and has a belief that every student can succeed. She communicates her needs and her goals for the group so that everyone knows where they stand and what is expected. She is also fun and joyful to work with.

—Jayne, Teacher

Many could operationally deliver a group workshop, 1:1 writing consult or spoken word event, but it’s your authentic generosity, supportive demeanour and curiosity-driven approach to facilitation that makes you so wonderful to work with.

—Jen, Writer

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