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Nathan Luff

Author, Storyteller/Performer

Nathan is a gifted storyteller who recounts in hilarious detail how growing up as one of five boys on a farm in rural NSW has inspired the books he writes.

Where were you born?

I was born in Yass, NSW.

What other jobs have you had?

My first job was picking up rocks in a giant paddock. My second job was filling bags of sheep poo. From there I have worked as a primary school teacher, a playwright, a theatre producer, and currently I program the children’s and YA sections of the Sydney Writers’ Festival.

What themes are recurring in your work?

Friendship, bullying, misfits, standing up for yourself.

What have been the highlights of your career?

Meeting kids who have read (and enjoyed) my books will always be a highlight.

Where have your works been published?

Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Poland, Iran, Czechia, Denmark, the Netherlands.

What are you passionate about?

As someone who grew up in an isolated setting, I’m passionate about providing opportunities for kids in rural areas. I’m also passionate about spreading a love of reading to people everywhere.

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