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Charlotte Barkla


Charlotte Barkla is a Brisbane-based writer who worked as a civil engineer and physics teacher before rediscovering her love for children’s literature. She writes picture books, early middle-grade fiction and feature articles.

Charlotte’s books include 11 Ruby Road, All Bodies are Good Bodies, the Edie’s Experiments series and From My Head to My Toes, I Say What Goes. She regularly visits schools, libraries and festivals for creative writing workshops, sharing her passion for creativity and stories with children of all ages.

Where were you born?

I was born in Toowoomba and grew up on a farm outside Pittsworth, on the Darling Downs in Queensland. I have fond memories of making up stories, plays and dances with my three sisters, which I think helped when it came to writing stories as an adult!

What other jobs have you had?

My first job was working part-time at the local bakery when I was in high school. It was great because you got to take home free pastries!

I’ve also worked as a civil engineer, teacher and freelance writer, writing articles for magazines and websites. Unfortunately, none of these have involved free food.

What themes are recurring in your work?

My historical fiction series, 11 Ruby Road features friendship, family, history and community. My earlier series, Edie’s Experiments features science, humour and friendship. I love writing about kids finding their place in the world.

My picture books focus on body positivity, consent and resilience, breaking down important, sometimes tricky topics for young readers.

What have been the highlights of your career?

Publishing a new book is always a highlight. Seeing your words in print for the first time never gets old!

I’ve presented at some wonderful festivals in Queensland and interstate, and recently spoke at my first international event in the UK, via video conference. It’s always very special sharing my work and love for creativity with students. I incorporate science experiments in some of my talks, and love hearing hundreds of simultaneous gasps as a reaction unfolds before the students’ eyes!

But nothing quite beats the feeling when a kid bounds up to you at a school visit or festival with a copy of your book in hand, telling you how much they loved reading it. Knowing that someone has read and loved your book is the very best part of my job.


“It was a pleasure to have Charlotte speak to our students. Both teachers and children were engaged during the sessions, and excited afterwards to read her books. They also loved the mini science experiment she slipped in to the talks. She inspired the students to not only dive into her stories but to think of ways to create their own. Charlotte was very professional and easy to work with, and I would recommend her to any school looking for an inspiring author visit.”

—Peter Carnavas, Teacher Librarian, St Andrew’s Anglican College

“This week guest author Charlotte Barkla inspired and nurtured the creative minds of our Year 5 and 6 students and encouraged our budding writers. Through the sharing of her own writing process she ignited a spark in each participant, motivating them to explore their own creativity and dive headfirst into the world of writing. Charlotte helped the students set their scenes, develop their characters, and showed them how to craft an absorbing story. I wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone seeking guidance and inspiration in the world of storytelling.”

—Mrs Marie Miegel, Head of Library K–12, The Glennie School

“Charlotte Barkla’s ability to connect with the students at our Festival was wonderful. Through her storytelling and hands-on experiments, Charlotte ignited the students’ curiosity in both literature and science. Her ability to seamlessly blend these two disciplines created an immersive and educational experience that left a lasting impression.”

—Mrs Tracey Gurdler, Festival Manager, Whitsunday Voices Youth Literature Festival

“Charlotte engaged and inspired our students from Prep to Year 6. Her presentations were lively, fun, and informative. Thank you for sharing your talents, passion and stories with us.”

—Tonya Muir, Teacher-Librarian, St Anthony’s Catholic Primary School, Kedron

“Last Friday, we welcomed author Charlotte Barkla to our school to talk to the students about her books and what it means to be an author.  It was a wonderful presentation for the children – they were very engaged and Charlotte did a great job of sharing her experiences and knowledge. We would recommend Charlotte to any schools who want an engaging and interactive experience for their students.”

—Judy Sorbello, St Anthony’s Catholic Primary School, Alexandra Hills

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