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Cath Moore

Author, Social Issues

Cath Moore is an award winning author, filmmaker and academic, specializing in YA and own-voice storytelling for the page and screen. Cath also runs story development workshops for secondary students and new writers.

Where were you born?

In the South American nation of Guyana.

What other jobs have you had?

Childcare worker, podiatrist, check-out chick, photographer, receptionist, teacher!

What themes are recurring in your work?

The inextricably complicated bond between parent and child. I also write a lot about reconciling loss & grief. Despite this, I write with a sense of optimism and celebrate the resilience of the human spirit.

What have been the highlights of your career?

Winning the 2021 Victorian Premier’s YA award for literature, being longlisted for the 2021 Stella Prize, and shortlisted for the 2021 CBCA, ABIA & NSW Premier’s YA literary awards. The positive feedback from readers, especially those who found themselves within my work, has also been incredibly humbling.

Where have your works been published?

I have written widely on identity and race for publications such as SBS Life, The Age and The Huffington Post. My documentary Hairtales can be viewed on EduTV and short doco for kids The Pen Licence on ABC iview. My debut novel Metal Fish Falling Snow is out through Text.

What are you passionate about?

Connecting through the spoken and written word. I care deeply about bringing visibility to marginalized communities and those who have not been traditionally celebrated in both the film and literary landscapes. I am also devoted to reading, writing, watching and listening to stories- they are the lifeblood that sustains us all! I am passionate about meeting as many singularly unique humans as is humanly possible!

Haven’t I seen you before?

Nah, that’s my doppelganger Shirley.

Anything else you’d like to share with us?

Roses are red,

violets are blue,

words bind us together,

you to me, I to you.

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