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Cate James


Cate James is an award-winning illustrator of picture books from Sydney’s Northern Beaches. Be prepared for a fun and interactive time – Cate is always keen to prove that anyone can draw.

Where were you born?

Yorkshire, England. I lived all of my adult life in Edinburgh, Scotland before emigrating to Sydney in 2015. I don’t think I could ever live away from the ocean again, as I think I was a fish in a previous life.

What other jobs have you had?

I am a printmaker and a university lecturer as well as an illustrator, but before all that happened, I used to work in restaurant and event management. I didn’t like it all that much but the free food was occasionally good.

What themes are recurring in your work?

Australian native animals, trees and plants; school life, and lots of humour.

I illustrate other people’s stories, and I love being sent a manuscript that offers me a difficult challenge to really think hard about how to create the right combination of characters and the world they live in.

What have been the highlights of your career?

Winning the SCBWI Penguin Random House Illustrators Showcase Award in 2019; Working as illustrator in residence at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Edinburgh for 4 years, and seeing my first Australian picture book in print in 2020.

Where have your works been published?

I’m lucky enough to have books all over the world, including Australia (of course!), the UK, the US, Sweden, France and Turkey. I love receiving copies of my books in different languages!

What are you passionate about?

Teaching and talking about drawing to anyone who will listen, breaking down artistic processes into something achievable, art in healthcare, art as something not to be scared by.

Haven’t I seen you before?

I’m pretty new to the Australian book scene, but I look forward to meeting you!

Anything else you’d like to share with us?

I have two very naughty sausage dogs who often sneak into my books. If you like dogs then I’m sure we’ll be friends.

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