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OK, who else is looking forward to 2021?  We can’t wait for the summer holidays and to take a breath after such a busy and challenging year.

We can’t be more proud of our incredible speakers who have adapted to the curveballs of 2020, creating wonderful online sessions to keep us busy during lockdown.

A very important shout-out goes to the teachers and students who have worked so hard to continue their education in the face of it all.

Booked Out will close this Friday, with most booking coordinators finishing up on Thursday, 17th December 2020.

We’ll be back on deck on Monday, 11th of January 2021 and we’re looking forward to touching base with teachers across Australia to hear how they would like to make 2021 extra special for their students.

We wish all our lovely speakers a fantastic, fun and safe summer holiday and an excellent start to 2021. We’ll miss you while we’re gone!

— Christina, Georgia, Susie, Maddy, Lauris, Kelly, Lucy & Dom

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