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As many of you may be aware, Rosalie Ham’s novel The Dressmaker is being made into a film…. right now! Pre-production has begun and we should see the final film hit the cinemas in October next year.

If you would like to learn more about the upcoming film, please visit the official Dressmaker Movie website:

Rosalie has also been writing a blog on the process of the pre-production, which you can enjoy here: Especially delightful is her description of the announcement of the leading actors at an all girls school presentation she recently gave. At the mention of Liam Hemsworth, she describes ‘a ruffle, like wind through wheat, buffeted the rows of spotty faces and at least one girl wept’. She also talks about the creation of the costumes, and gives some handy advice for those who are keen to audition as an extra.

And for those studying or teaching The Dressmaker, please note that with the release of the DVD in October next year, will come some excellent education resources, including a study guide and an Electronic Press Kit, featuring interviews with the key actors, directors and also background information of the filming process including ‘behind the scenes’ footage.

We only have to wait a year!






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