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A one-day information session delivered by Paul Dillon for teachers and other professionals who work with young people.

Paul Dillon has delivered professional development seminars for teachers and other professionals for many years. Since 2014 he has been presenting DARTA Seminar Days in both Sydney and Melbourne and has received an overwhelmingly positively response from delegates. This year Paul will also be delivering DARTA Seminar Days in Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth.

The one-day information session aims to provide teachers with some basic information on current youth AOD trends in Australia, with a particular emphasis on school-based young people. Using the most up-to-date statistics and research, the workshop aims to empower attendees by providing the facts around some of the issues in this controversial area.

Although the workshop is not designed to provide teaching strategies or classroom activities, a list of quality web-based drug education resources will be provided to attendees, as well as information on other websites that are able to support professionals who work with young people.

Specific topic areas to be covered for each of the sessions will be made closer to the date, but a particular emphasis will be given to a close examination of the latest Australian Secondary Students’ Alcohol and Drug (ASSAD) survey and what these results mean for those working with school-based young people.

Please note that if you have attended a DARTA Seminar Day in the past the content will not be the same as for previous sessions. Click on your closest city to register!

Adelaide Tuesday, 27 June
Sydney Tuesday, 12 September
Perth Thursday, 21 September
Brisbane Friday, 6 October
Melbourne Monday, 4 December

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