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Open Right

13 September 2011
Blog: Spine Chills


We had a recent discussion in the office about whether or not people actually read horror. The answer for most of us was a resounding “Yes!”.

For myself, I grew up on Christopher Pike and the Point horror series. Even now, even though I’m pathetically frightened of just about everything (spiders, heights, small spaces, large spaces, chainsaw wielding madmen) I love the thrill that comes with a good scare (provided I’m in my house with my dog in the middle of the day with all the lights on).

But any reader will know that only good horror will suffice. Booked Outer HJ Harper loves all things spooky, and the outlet of her obsession is Spine Chills, a blog whose sole purpose is to frighten the customers. Readers will mournfully stand as the eulogy (blurb) is read and then HJ offers her own insightful reviews in the form of an epitaph. Each book is judged on the story, the characters, the world and the level of horror and then awarded a death certificate with either a gold, silver or bronze skull if it has proved its worth. This brilliant system of reviewing, along with the already arresting visuals of the blog make for great reading, and is well worth looking at for anyone who (like me) loves a good fright.

  • Bec Kavanagh, Booked Out.

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