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Sonia Orchard

Author, Education Consultant, Inspirational Speaker, Journalist, Personal Development/Welfare, Social Issues, Victim/Survivor Advocate

Sonia is a writer, teacher, advocate, speaker and festival founder and director who believes in the power of storytelling to inspire, create belonging and connection, and effect positive change in the world.

Her writing and work is driven by her passions for social justice, the environment and child and teenage wellbeing. Most recently, since the publication of her memoir “Groomed”, she has become a strong advocate for CSA and SA survivors, campaigning for justice reform, and the rights of children, teenagers and victim survivors.

Where were you born?

I was born and grew up in Melbourne. In my twenties I took off and travelled through thirty-odd countries and worked in America, Europe, Malaysia, the Bahamas, around Australia, and at sea as well as on land, only to realise that Melbourne’s a pretty darn good place to live.

What other jobs have you had?

Too many to list! From scuba diving instructor, university lecturer, festival founder and director, chef and piano teacher. I also breed whippets!

What themes are recurring in you work?

Survival/resilience, mental health, domestic violence, childhood trauma, nature, family and creativity.

What have been the highlights of your career?

Founding and Festival Directing Mountain Festival, Australia’s only writers’ festival that focuses exclusively on the environment, and having sell-out audiences each year. Publishing my memoir “Groomed”, because of the journey it took to get it written and published, also feels incredibly special.

What themes are recurring in you work?

Childhood and youth mental health, justice reform (especially regarding sex crimes), feminism, community, animals, family and nature. And food.

Haven’t I seen you before?

I once appeared as a surfie chick in an ‘enrol to vote’ TV ad campaign…

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