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Michael Earp

Author, Bookseller

Michael Earp is a non-binary writer and editor of books for young adults with over 20 years bookselling and publishing experience as a children’s and YA specialist. They love talking about minority representation (with a LGBTQIA+ focus) in literature for young people.

Borderlands: Riding the Slipstream edited by Paul Collins

Kindred: 12 Queer #LoveOzYA Stories

Out-Side: Queer Words and Art From Regional Victoria

Avast! Pirate Stories from Transgender Authors

Underdog: #LoveOzYA Short Stories edited by Tobias Madden

Out-Side: Queer Words and Art From Regional Victoria
Everything Under the Moon: Fairy tales in a queerer light

Where were you born?

I was born on the Central Coast of NSW and lived there until I was eighteen, when I sought adventure in the big city.

What other jobs have you had?

Other than three wayward months in a rib restaurant and a year-long diversion in a clothes store while I studied fashion, I’ve always worked as a book seller or a sales-rep for a publisher. Books = life.

What themes are recurring in your work?

I love exploring human connection, gentleness in the face of difficulties and the grace to recognise when you need to grow and change. And queerness; there’s lots of queerness in my work. 

What have been the highlights of your career?

Publishing my books, being named bookseller of the year, and so many of the panels and talks I’ve been a part of, meeting and speaking with so many wonderful people. 

Where have your works been published?

My writing has in a number of anthologies, including four which I have edited. Also, I’ve been published in ArcherThe AgePopMattersThe Victorian Writer, and Aurealis.

What are you passionate about?

I’m passionate about literature, books in general, and representation of minorities within books for readers of all ages. 

Haven’t I seen you before?

I’ve been on panels and spoken at writers festivals, literary organisations events as well as libraries around the country. I’ve judged for the CBCA, the VPLAs, Insight Writing Competition and The Lord Mayor’s Creative Writing Prize, among others. I’m currently on the CBCA Vic Branch Committee.

Anything else you’d like to share with us?

I love a cup of tea.

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