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Harry Laing

Author, Entertainment, Poet, Storyteller/Performer

Harry is an energetic and engaging comic performer with a love of language. He loves performing for large audiences of children and keeps them spellbound with his poems, (interactive) chants and the magical creatures from his book covers. Harry also has a gift for inspiring teachers around poetry and creative writing in his Professional Learning workshops.

Where were you born?

I was born and grew up in Edinburgh. And like so many Scots (my family included) made my way to Australia. 

What other jobs have you had?

Ah, well. I worked in a nursery garden for a year. But that was a long time ago. I’m a writer. I love writing and performing and teaching poetry to children and also to adults. That’s my job.

What themes are recurring in your work?

For children: cheese, strange pets, angry old ladies and objects that dream they have another life. The natural world and its creatures. For adults, the recurring theme would be the natural world (I live alongside it) climate change, ancestors, road trips. Oh, and things that make me (and hopefully the reader) laugh. 

What have been the highlights of your career?

Career is a big word. Publishing my books of course. Performing poems to 450 kids outside on a windy day and surviving. But really it’s when a child comes up, after hearing my poems and says ‘that was the best half hour of my life’. 

Where have your works been published?

I have six books of poetry, three for children and three for adults. 

What are you passionate about?

Switching people onto poetry and the magic of language. The natural world. The 115 acres of the NSW Southern Tablelands where I live. And of course, much more.

Haven’t I seen you before?

I’d be surprised. But then again, I might have popped up somewhere. Maybe the YouTube videos of me performing my poems? (Harry Laing Children’s Poet)

Anything else you’d like to share with us?

My belief that both children and adults discover the many possibilities of poetry and how relevant and exciting it can be in contemporary life!



Hi Harry,

Thank you for visiting Hannans Road Public School. The students were engaged from the start with your enthusiasm and dynamic performance. The poetry books you have written provided a range of topics and genre for the students connect with. Throughout the performance you transformed from comical to dramatic letting each poem evolve and develop.

The infants classes chanted, clapped and rapped in delight asking you to perform the poems again and again. Whilst you had the senior classess writing original and creative poems with ease, building their confidence. The 5/6 and 4/5 students developed their drafts and performed their poems at book week assembly and the infant performed ‘The sound of colour’ from Shocktopus.

Your two-hour performance was highly professional the staff and students were inspired to create and celebrate poetry.

Thanks for visiting us!

—Dianne Smeets, Hannans Road Public School, 2022

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