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Claire Madden

Corporate, Education Consultant, Speaking Out

Claire Madden is a social researcher, media commentator and next-gen expert, fluent in social media, youth culture, and engagement styles of these global generations, and a professional in interpreting what this means for educators, managers and marketers.  Claire is in demand for her skill in effectively identifying the emerging trends and assisting business leaders to strategically respond to them.

Hello Gen Z reveals the critical importance of knowing how to engage this generation of hyperconnected, agile and adaptive digital savants as employees, consumers and emerging leaders. Hello Gen Z is required reading for any organisation wanting to future-proof and unlock the potential of the Post-Millennials.

Where were you born?

I was born in Sydney – and apart from a few years in Canberra when I was young, Sydney has been my home!

What other jobs have you had?

Claire is the founder and director of the strategy and communications agency, Hello Clarity. Claire worked as the Research Director at McCrindle Research, a leading social research agency, and has been actively involved in developing programs and teams of young leaders in implementing programs for Generation Z. Claire is also on the board for an insurance company and on the Advisory Board for UTS Business School.

What themes are recurring in your work?

Understanding and engaging with Generation Z, analysing social trends and interpreting how business leaders and educators can respond effectively to enhance communication and bridge generational gaps.

What are you passionate about?

I’m passionate about assisting organisations to understand the changing times and equipping leaders, managers and teams to respond to them.  Working with organisations to facilitate healthy, dynamic workplace communities which effectively engage a multi-generational workforce.

Haven’t I seen you before?

As a social researcher and presenter, I have the opportunity to discuss social trends on programs such as The Today Show and The Morning Show, as well as the privilege of speaking at numerous conferences and events.


Warm, engaging and informative.

—Hobart College

Claire did an outstanding job communicating with our staff – relevant and thought provoking.

—Newcastle Grammar School

Fantastic, engaging, very interesting and wonderfully presented.

—St Patrick's College, Campbelltown

Vibrant, exciting, relevant, informative, energetic, personable and from the feedback we have received, one of the best presenters our attendees have ever seen.

—Awards Victoria

Excellent speaker who engaged with our audience and kept them entertained and informed.

—DECS Principals Conference

An energising presentation with the right mix of fact, humour and fun.


Claire’s presentation was dynamic, relevant and interesting.        

—Griffith University

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