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Bradley Christmas

Author, Musician, Songwriter, Storyteller

Bradley Christmas is the author of young adult novel Saltwater Boy, a coming-of-age story exploring themes of family, conservation and reconciliation with Australia’s First Nations peoples. Away from his writing desk, Brad is often found performing with bands Copperline and the Gin Palace, as well as touring with acts from Boney M to Steve Kilbey (the Church).

Where were you born?

I was born in Sutherland Hospital in Sydney’s South.

What other jobs have you had?

I’ve been blessed to have had the opportunity to do lots of different jobs over my life. I’ve been a youth worker, teacher, pizza chef, touring musician, writer of TV and radio jingles, copywriter and children’s performer…amongst other things.

What themes are recurring in your work?

I’m passionate about social justice and environmental conservation, and these two themes seem to come up in my fiction and professional writing again and again.

What have been the highlights of your career?

The highlight of my writing career to date has been the publication of Saltwater Boy, and the wonderfully warm reception it has received from readers around the country.

Where have your works been published?

The short story that gave birth to the novel that was to become Saltwater Boy first appeared in the Short Fiction edition of The Big Issue. It was this that gave me the confidence to keep writing, and the belief in the power of the story.

What are you passionate about?

Aside from social justice and protecting our precious natural environment, I absolutely adore birds (I’m a nerdy twitcher), music, books, fishing and surfing (though my enthusiasm greatly exceeds my ability when it comes to these last two).

Haven’t I seen you before?

You may have seen me performing with one of my two bands Copperline or the Gin Palace. Or you may have seen me performing with Aussie Rock legend, Steve Kilbey, or 70s disco darling Boney M.

You may have seen me perfoming with children’s band, the DoDaDums. And if you’ve travelled to Japan, you may have seen me appear with star Orlando Bloom for haircare product Uno (despite having little hair left myself).

Anything else you’d like to share with us?

I began my post-Uni working life as a youth worker at Boystown, where I developed my passion for working with young people, particularly those who have had to overcome disadvantage.

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